Meet the Founder

My name is Vanessa Nicoleau I am single mother of four children. I have always had the desire to work with young adolescents/teens. When I was in high school I volunteered at many local Boys and Girls Clubs from the time I was in 10th grade until about senior year, and I led the volunteer group. I was the Youth Director at my old church and I loved it! Fast forward a few years later and being a young mom to my growing children, I experienced life in the eyes of a parent raising my own kids and seeing their struggles first hand. While I was in no way a prefectparent, and didn’t always know “the right way out”, I tried my best to make sure that I was supportive throughout their journey. I was open to letting others in to assist because as they say IT TAKES A VILLAGE!

Please contact Vanessa at 484-447-7323 for information or any issues in completing clearance.